
Tracks execution of apps

Operating System Availability

Major VersionSupportMajor VersionSupport

Windows 11

Server 2019


Windows 10

Server 2016


Windows 8

Server 2012


Windows 7

Server 2008


Windows Vista

Server 2003


Windows XP

Windows Server systems do not have Prefetch enabled by default.

File Location:

  • C:\Windows\Prefetch

Parsing Data

Single file parsing and directory.

PECmd.exe -d C:\Windows\prefetch 
PECmd.exe -f C:\Windows\pretfetch\

Timeline Parsing

Parse entire prefetch and output a timeline. Will record the execution times of each entry and populate.

pecmd -f E:\C\Windows\prefetch -q --csvf baserd01-pretfetch.csv --csv G:\execution


  • Tracks last 8 times executed (last 7 + initial prefetch file date creation).

  • Contains total run times.

  • Subtract approximately 10 seconds for initial from MCAB timestamps because it tracks first 10 seconds of execution.

  • C:\Windows\Prefetch stores both 64bit and 32bit executable executions.

  • Hash at the end of filename specifies file location path and command line.

    • Files that will always have multiple prefetch entries:

      • MMC

      • RunDll

      • Svchost

      • Cmd

      • Dllhost

  • Tracks files the .exe interacted with, can discover files compressed in compression related prefetch files.

Anti Forensics

If prefetch files are deleted, they will not be repopulated when applications are run again. Common anti-forensics technique.

Last updated